Sometimes you don't really get it.

Sometimes I have to pinch myself to realise that I am in England, I LIVE in England. One hour from London. I work with horses again and just chilling without nothing going on, just hanging out with friends, ride, work and being happy. I think everyone that have the opportunity to work in another country should take it. 

What I do is working on a livery yard just outside Haslemere for a Swedish woman with another swedish girl called Lovisa. We have 15 horses in the yard at this point and 7 of them are ours and we ride 5 of them. Except the horses we ride in a workday I also train two of the livery horses. Gucci and Bennie, more about them later. 

We work 5 and a half day every week from 8 to 4. Mostly its just normal stable work, clean stables, make feed, fix hay and ride. Our horses are not the youngest ones or the most fitted to really train with but all of them are really fun in their own way. I will make a presentation about all of them later on but today I will just try to make the blog look okay. 

Over and out. 




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